I’ll Never Dance With Another

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I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had seen him before.  He was friends with Donnie and Scott.  The three of them had decided to put their pants on backwards, like Kriss Kross, at a dance a few weeks before (he and Donnie were wearing baggy pants, so it worked; Scott, in his fitted jeans…notsomuch).  But he was a Freshman and I was a Sophomore, and I was oblivious to most of the kids in the school younger…

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Just Look At Them And Sigh

The pain is excruciating.  It had started 12 hours earlier, a ball of agony on my right side that radiates across my abdomen.  The 3 doses of Advil has not dulled it in the slightest.  Nor have the laxatives.  What the fuck is wrong with me?  Is this was appendicitis feels like?  My brother’s girlfriend drives me to the ER.  Apparently, my mother has better things to do today.  Probably getting drunk. On the drive to the hospital, the pain…

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Dream Until Your Dreams Come True

Permanent Link to Dream Until Your Dreams Come True

We leave the house at 5:30am.  Since it’s only a 4 1/2 hour drive, we end up getting arena a little after 10.  My arrival time was scheduled for 2 (but Nick’s head would have exploded if we had been late), so we grab some lunch and kill some time.  We get back to the IZOD Center around noon, and I spend about 15 minutes warming up in the car – and watching other singers smoke their last cigarettes (wha?)…

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