My Body Tells Me No
Hey, Body. We need to talk.
I love you, but our relationship just isn’t working anymore. Lately, you’re always tired or weak or in pain, and we never do any of the things I want to do. We miss work, cancel social outings, skip work outs and put off chores, all because you aren’t pulling your weight. The migraines are the worst, but the plantar fasciitis and newly developed back pain are no picnic either (and don’t even get me started on your refusal to make a baby). Add in the fatigue and muscle wasting, and you’re acting twice our age. At least.
I know it isn’t all your fault. I don’t take care of you the way I should. I don’t give you enough vegetables, and I fill you with way too many carbs. I spend too much of our time watching TV, and I don’t make you move enough. Sometimes, I don’t think about you at all. Quite simply, I take you for granted. And for that, I am truly sorry.
So, hows about we make a deal? Hows about, I promise to take better care of you? To pay attention to you? To fill you with good foods and get you off the couch more? And in return, you ease up on the migraines and the fatigue? You stop objecting to everything I want, and especially, everything we need? Hows about, I stop taking you for granted, and you let us live life, instead of just dreaming about it from the couch? Whaddya say? Can we give it a shot?
Love, Your (arguably) Better Half